Neopets Top Shops

82 (+ 5) | Hour: 84 |Today: 87 [?] view market analysis

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Rank Username Today Yesterday Average Category
1azn_angel634170816879 Wearables
2odie295656153166 SNOWFLAKE
3habit_of_mine33138133 Wearables and Fire Faerie
4nicx321119059 Bakery and Sweets
5wwe_3_fan56286854 Bakery and Sweets
6happy_training_shop166475 GROOVY GROUP NEOMAIL ME IF U WANT 2 JOIN
7tigerkane247124948 Earth Faerie Quest, BD Weapons
8lilgalaxy184650 Powder Room
9oshichi154556 Wearables
10ambersgallery144250 Wearables
11plushielover6353733 Bakery and Sweets
12raine_storme53229 Maps and World Challenge
13tpuddles63126 Marauders Marketplace Wearables
14omg_frozen_popsicle42828 Christmas Winter Advent
15kirsty_to_stay52528 Wearables
16talpidat2199 Bakery and Sweets
17iactuary91722 Rainbow Fountain, World Challenge Pieces
18lastcountryangel21213 Armada Mall Food, Drinks, Sweets
19demonfyre5117 WFQ Books, Rare Books, Neggs
2041020 Westy Legs
21starr_25251910 Junk Sweep and Transition to Books
22mammab374916 Wearables
23chakrabet4715 Wearables, Backgrounds, Accessories
24mastermom155 Wearables and Grooming
25softypaws1512 Christmas Town
26littrell23131 Wearables
27mimi_rose__223 Wearables
28rverhoev110 SSW Snipes, PBs, MPs, Neggs
29bungaloh211 LB2 Wearables
30vikingbarbie92600 Wearables
Allows you to specify your mall name. Show your mall members only.

Top Shops 4.3 (2023.09.25)

This page lists today's top-ranking NeoPets shops, as reported by the NeoMallers counters service.
You are shown in red and your branch members are shown in green. while members from other branches are shown in blue
Cloaked mall members are printed in brackets.

Category Filter

Categories can now be auto filtered either from the search bar or by clicking a keyword from a person's category name.
For instance, clicking on PAINT will filter the topshops by that keyword.

Who's Shopping Stats - Help

The first number 82 depicts the number of users shopping in NeoMallers Shops. (+ 5) refers to the change of the current number of users shopping with respect to the amount at the start of the hour. The second number (84) is the highest #amount of users shopping at one time for the current hour. The 3rd number (87) is the highest amount of users shopping across the entire day.